Taverns/Inns/Pubs of Suffolk
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The County of Suffolk boasts some mighty fine 'watering holes', especially those still to be found in those Medieval Wool Towns of ours.
John Cooper
Halls/Palace, Manors & Mansions of Suffolk
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There are many of these in Suffolk, I hope in time to place some of my archive photos in here, some of these houses are very ornate
John Cooper
Stonemasons & Pargetting in Suffolk
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We have wonderful chocolate box thatched cottages in Suffolk, some pics to follow to show where these are
John Cooper
Castles/Forts of Suffolk
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We are not well blessed with Castles in Suffolk although there are sites known where between 20-30 once existed, there are stumps and stubs in some places and then there is the Curtsain Walled Framlingham Castle Wingfield Castle dates back from 1384 originally as manor house, this castle has its own...
John Cooper
Martello Towers in Suffolk
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There are a few Martello Towers on the Suffolk Coast, I will place some photos on this thread as I photograph them, the most Southern is at Shotley Point and the most Northerly is at Slaughden, Aldeburgh See here for a description http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martello_tower
John Cooper
Unusual Buildings of Suffolk
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This section to include all unusual looking buildings within the county for both features and usage
John Cooper
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In Suffolk there are some magnificent buildings here is one next to the Church in Eye, the Guildhall -- Edited by J...
John Cooper
Colourwashed cottages/houses
Suffolk must have more colourwashed [not white] houses and cottages than any other County. If you can provide some pictures then please show them for others to enjoy. I have literally hundreds of such photos, I'll start off with this one in Wetheringsett, Grade II Listed House and later post office,...
John Cooper
Coastguard Cottages in Suffolk
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I don't know of any others apart from those at Old Felixstowe, Shingle Street and Dunwich Heath, there are some at Aldeburgh but I have no knowledge of these. The Cottages on the cliffs at Dunwich Heath must now be in danger of coming to some grief with the eroding cliffs, if you do get the opportunity of v...
John Cooper
Grade I Listed Buildings of Babergh
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Acton Church of All Saints 13c http://www.suffolkchurches.co.uk/acton.html
John Cooper
Grade I Listed Buildings of Suffolk Coastal
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Aldeburgh Moot Hall 1520 This is one of my favourite buildings in Suffolk, to me if it looks good it is good
John Cooper
Grade I Listed Buildings of Ipswich, Suffolk, England
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Over the coming weeks and months [or even possibly years] I will place photos of some of the historic Grade I Listed Buildings within the County, there are over 400 of these alone. These are of course Listed in order that they cannot be altered in any way without prior permission being granted and not on...
John Cooper
More photos available of Suffolk
John, Lots of great information on your site! I will keep coming back! For more photos of suffolk . Please visit http://www.myphotosontheweb.co.uk