hi john, have you looked this site on leiston history www.leiston.com/historydetail.html angel cottage gets a mention in it thou not much detail looks like it was one of the first 100 houses built in leiston this site gives a rough guide to the history of leiston. i have now enjoyed three visits to leiston since doing my family tree and finding my 4x great grandfather was from there he was sexton at st.margarets church and gardner to the rev blythwayt also other family were employed by garrets and menber of the fire crew on the works merryweather fire engine (the queen victoria) displayed at the long shop museum at leiston the museum have been most helpfull to me with details and some photos of mygrt.grt grandfather. it was at holly tree farm theberton that the L48 zeppelin was shot down in field farmed by my grt.grt. grandfathers cusson looking foreward to another vist next year