Bit of an oddball this one, on Tuesday I spent the morning at Sizewell on the Suffolk Coast, here we have a redundant Nuclear Power Plant Sizewell A [I have been inside this monster], we also have a very much [radio] active 'B' Nuclear Reactor [although for some reason it was knocked out of the National Grid System last Friday!] In a few short years we are going to have on site Sizewell 'C' Reactor but a few miles out to sea the generating companies are building the largest wind farm in the world with some 140 turbines out at sea.
The energy from these turbines will come ashore by sea bed cabling, guess where to, next to Sizewell A, surely the material cost of the turbines is going to outweigh the cost of nuclear power for which I am no fan, all of this system is being called The Greater Gabbard project, what with solar panels on roofs of houses I wonder how long it will be before someone decides that Anthracite might be a cheaper option?
The sign on the information wall at sizewell Beach