I post a photo of the Leaf Cutter Bee's work on an Alder Buckthorn tree in my garden. They cut a section of leaf out and take it back to line their nest. These are solitary bees and when you watch one working on a leaf you will be surprised at the short time it takes to cut a piece of leaf out. If you find one and it flies off with it's bit of leaf stay there it will be back within a minute for another piece.
A couple of shots I took a few years ago while wandering on the outskirts ot Tunstall Forest, both of Fallow deer. For the Butterfly hunter look ay the first photo, now this is perfect ground for the Grayling Butterfly, they love to bask in the sun on the open paths on the ground and that's what I was after here when this Fallow Deer happened along. The second shot is again of some Fallow deer that happened along as I was looking for Speckled Wood Butterfly's, again the Speckled Wood Butterfly loves this sort of shaded space and are easy to find. Tunstall Forest once again.
Often see Fallow or Roedeer out Tunstall/Rendlesham way, we saw a herd between Ben****ers and Butley a month ago, keeping an eye on us all the time but just on the edge of a wood. Muntjac are common too, we often see these at Minsmere Bird Reserve
On BBC TV last night there was a feature on slow worms. I have to admit although hearing of them I had never seen one and on searching the web I am astonished to see they do exist in Suffolk. Any body got any experiences of them here and any pix