I saw this Pheasant around the Visitors Centre Food Tables a few days ago looking the worse for wear, it had a limp and the back of its neck was very scraggy
At Melton Lakes this Coot really was struggling to get into the water, it is pure speculation on my part but as this is fishing lake I wonder if somehow a fishing line got tangled in its left leg knuckle. I'm happy to report though as the Coot entered the water there appeared to be no infirmity at all
Had this pair of Collared Doves at the feeding station on Monday, the one on the right appeared to have a deformed head, it looked the same from several angles that I took photos from through the windows
I saw this young Gull on the beach in Harwich Haven, it didn't look distressed and at first glance you might ask what is wrong
On closer inspection this fishing line is wrapped around its leg although I was some 30-40' away from it when I took the photo, I didn't want to scare it off in case the line was attached