Have you any old photographs to show what Suffolk was like in the old and not so old days, you know before we were overtaxed and law strapped and before our every move was was being watched by some camera or other and we were free to say what we liked. When we never had to worry about letting our kids out to play and the fields were full of Butterflies and wild flowers. I'll start you off with a couple
No.1 A lorry at Marriages Mill Felixstowe Dock with the Little Ships Hotel in the background. (Photo via Jim Cowan of Felixstowe.)
No.2 An Army scout car (I think) somewhere in Felixstowe sometime. (Photo Jim Cowan)
No.3 Wilf Mayhew plowing on an old Case Tractor for Mr. Ted Smith farmer of Felixstowe. (Photo via Mrs. Smith)
There are some fabulous pictures of Felixstowe 'Dockland' when it was a military base housed in The Museum at Landguard Fort, Shotley 'HMS Ganges' Museum is a great place to visit too although I have no Naval connections. The Transport Museum in Cobham Road has a good collection of Transport in Suffolk [Particularly Ipswich] over the years.
Anyone wish to recommend such a Museum where they come from
That lovely little museum at Dunwich has some gems too.