I have just finished reading 'Bawdsey, Birth of the Beam' by Gordon Kinsey [Terence Dalton Limited ISBN 0 86138 017 7] but in part of this book there is a whole section dedicated to RAF Sutton Heath/Woodbridge which was built and used exclusively for Allied Aircraft not being able to make their own bases during WWII
This makes for a fascinating read, in fact you could just imagine being there on one of those crash crews, some landed on a wing and a prayer, others didn't and perished when they ran out of fuel or their kites were so badly shot up that on an attempted landing they 'ground looped' and never made it
I quote from Gordon's book
............this was to be the first of 4115 aircraft to make emergency landings, 1100 due to technical trouble, 995 suffering battle damage, 820 short of fuel and 1200 due to bad weather, mainly fog at their home bases.