A couple of weeks ago I was able to view the rooftops of Ipswich from a Grade I listed building, looking SE towards the Wetdock are a series of new High Rise buildings being erected, unfortunately one company couldn't complete their part of the project when the economy in the UK faltered.
So we are left with a matchbox designed building that is incomplete, slightly right of centre and heavily zoomed and cropped
The Willis building in Ipswich has a Grade I listing tag attached to the building where nothing can be changed within or outside the building without Council approval, but how many offices have a deep end/shallow end swimming pool under their feet??
From the Willis building you can see some excellent reflections from the glass structure, the lower picture shows the reflection of the rooftop garden and the AXA building in Civic Drive with part of Ipswich Town Football Ground to be seen, impossible to get my own reflection out of the picture without cropping same!!