The Lion Inn is adjacent to the main A12 Trunk Road which has a 30MPH Speed Limit imposed, I do recall on my many travels years ago that there was a Post Office opposite the pub
I'm not saying there should not be a 30MPH speed through Lt Glemham village on the main A12 Trunk Road but I do find it frustrating the varying speed limits on this stretch of road, especially from The Martlesham Roundabout through to Saxmundham. There are sections from 70, 60, 50, 40 & 30 and you can't always be attentaive to what limit you are in. Coming from Saxmundham you come off a single carriageway at 60MPH to a dual carriageway that is limited to 50MPH, I do understand the reasoning behind it as it is an accident blackspot especially on the turning to/from Aldeburgh. That road was poorly designed, rant over!