I suppose that when the Otter Trust at Earsham was open to the public it could be argued that this is North of The River Waveney and therefore strictly not in Suffolk, yet the postcode is Suffolk.
Anyway this is one of the residents of Earsham on one of my several visits where the Otter was reintroduced to Britains rivers
Thought i would add a couple of photo's to this site all taken in Suffolk. No.1 A White Letter Hairstreak No.2 A Wall butterfly No.3 A Green Hairstreak No.4 A Purple Hairstreak
A few more Butterflies all taken in Suffolk execpt one, can you spot it. All the photos I post are my own that I have taken and are copyright so if you want to use any please ask you won't be refused.
No.1 Holly Blue No.2 Red Admiral (This friendly bestie came and landed on my friends hand while he was filming another Butterfly) No.3 Swallow Tail Mo.4 Orange Tip (Male)